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Boom Lift over 11m Licence
> Training Courses > EWP Courses > EWP Boom over 11m
TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)
To operate a boom type elevating platform with a boom length over 11m, you need a High Risk Work Licence - WP.
The TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) course provides the formal training and accredited assessment which will allow you to apply for a Queensland HRW Licence for Boom Type Elevating Work Platform - WP.
This EWP Boom over 11m course does not cover Boom Lifts under 11m, Scissor Lifts, or Vertical Lifts - to operate these machines complete the EWP Yellow Card Course.
This Boom Lift ticket over 11m is Nationally Recognised Training and is delivered by our trainers who have decades of combined experience in the construction and access industries. This means that industry experts are conducting the training, or are on hand to explain difficult concepts or demonstrate plant and equipment.
This Boom Lift training program is run over 3 days including an assessment component. The course covers planning and preparing for work, safely setting up, operating, shutting down and securing an elevating work platform, conducting routine checks and EWP maintenance, identifying risks and hazards, relevant OHS legislation and duty of care.
This TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) training course has been developed in accordance with the licensing and assessment requirements of NOHSC:1006[2001].
Boom Lift Course outline:
Plan work – Identify hazards and implement appropriate control measures
Conduct routine checks – Check logbook, EWP structural integrity, safety and communication equipment
Set up – Check ground suitability, apply appropriate hazard prevention/control measures
Operate EWP – Use relevant plant movements, use best mobile practice and respond to unplanned/unsafe situations, use of riggers and stabilisers
Shut down – Correctly stow EWP and safety equipment, conduct routine post-operational checks
If you have a specific machine type that you'll be using on site, you can request it to be included in the training when you book.
On successful completion of the theory and practical assessment, students will receive:
a Statement of Attainment for Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework
a High Risk Work (HRW) Candidate Assessment Summary
Within 60 days of completing the course, participants will need to apply for a High Risk Work Licence through the Queensland Government, and pay a fee of $106.11. The Queensland Government High Risk Work Licence application process must be followed.
You will also be provided with all course materials, including an EWP Learners Guide, and 'Training Record-Logbook'.
Am I eligible?
You must be at least 18 years old
Have basic English and Maths skills (to be able to identify and interpret workplace signs and apply yourself to the course material).
Previous skills in the use of an EWP are desirable
This Boom Lift Ticket training course includes 1 day of assessment, where participants will be required to successfully demonstrate Workplace Health and Safety knowledge and practical skills.
‘Closed book’ written knowledge, calculation and practical skills will be assessed by WHS Accredited Assessor.
What to bring:
Appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Safety shoes or boots
workwear (hi-vis if you have it)
safety hardhat (optional)
a broad brimmed sun hat and water bottle is recommended
Evidence of identity documents must be presented before you begin training. Evidence of identity requirements.
What is a WP Licence?
A WP High Risk Work Licence is required to operate a boom type elevating work platform with a boom length over 11m.
High Risk Work Licences are issued by WorkSafe Queensland (phone 1300 362 128). Once you have completed TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) training and assessment, you can apply online for a High Risk Work Licence, within 60 days, with a fee of $106.11.
What does a WP Licence cover?
A WP Licence covers any boom type EWP including truck mount, trailer mount, or self-propelled, which has the capacity to go over 11m. Scissor Lifts are not boom type EWP, and are not covered by this course. Boom lifts under 11m are also not covered by this course. For those machines complete the EWP Yellow Card Course.
How do I apply for the WP High Risk Work Licence?
Once you complete the training and assessment of the TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) training course, you will be provided an Assessment Summary Form (AS1) form.
You can then complete the WorkSafe Queensland online application for a new HRW Licence and pay the $106.11 application fee, within 60 days of successfully completing the Boom over 11m course.
How long does a WP Licence last?
High Risk Work Licences must be renewed every 5 years through WorkSafe Queensland.
How do you renew your HRW Licence?
You will receive a renewal notice from WorkSafe Queensland 4-6 weeks before your expiry date, and will need to follow the HRW Licence renewal process or you can call WorkSafe Queensland on 1300 362 128.
Is EWP high risk?
Boom Lifts with a boom length over 11m require a WP High Risk Work Licence.
Other EWP such as Scissor Lifts, Vertical Lifts and Boom Lifts under 11m do not require a WP High Risk Work Licence.
However training for the safe use of this equipment is required as part of the risk management responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Our Nationally Recognised courses for Work Safely at Heights + Operate EWP provide the necessary training to allow you to safely operate Scissor Lifts, Vertical Lifts and Boom Lifts under 11m.
Can I operate a Scissor Lift with a WP Licence
Because a Scissor Lift is not a boom type EWP, you do not need a WP High Risk Work Licence to operate it.
There is, however, a duty of care to ensure training, instruction and safe systems of work have been provided to the operator of any plant, under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
HiReach Training's Work Safely at Heights + Operate EWP course covers Scissor Lifts, Vertical Lifts and Boom Lifts under 11m, and will provide the necessary training to allow you to safely operate this equipment.
Is a telehandler / Manitou a High Risk Licence
The licencing requirements for a telehandler differ based on the capacity and attachments:
a non-slewing telehandler with a lifting capacity greater than 3 tonne and fitted with a boom or jib and hook block requires a CN High Risk Work Licence
a slewing or non-slewing telehandler fitted with a personnel box / work platform that extends 11m or more also requires a WP High Risk Work Licence
a slewing or non-slewing telehandler fitted with bucket or forks requires RIIHAN309F - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations.
See more about High Risk Work Licences for cranes and hoists and When don't I need a licence? on the WorkSafe Queensland site.

Boom Lift in Cathedral

Boom Lift

Boom Lift

Boom Lift in Cathedral
BOOM LIFT over 11m /

3 day course
Boom Lifts over 11m
WP High Risk Work Licence
TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)
Please note:
High Risk Work Licences are issued by WorkSafe Queensland with a fee of $106.11.
* CSQ funding contribution of $528 for TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 meters or more). Eligibility criteria applies.
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