> Training Courses > Manual Handling Courses > Manual Handling
TLID0020 - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
TLID0020 - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods will teach you how to avoid the dangers of incorrect lifting techniques and the manual handling injuries that may occur.
Manual Handling training through this Nationally Recognised Training course will teach you how to safely identify, plan and perform manual handling tasks to maintain an injury-free workplace.
If you are working in the mining, construction, retail, manufacturing, health care, warehousing or hospitality industries, you should be aware of the dangers of incorrect lifting techniques and the manual handling injuries that may occur.
This manual handling training course will equip any workplace team member who needs to manually handle materials which includes push, pull, carry or restrain any object, or anyone who needs a formal qualification in manual handling.
Course outline:
Access the risk associated with relocating the load
Planning the relocation process
Carrying out the relocation in accordance with the plan
On successful completion of the theory and practical assessment, students will receive:
a Statement of Attainment, nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework
a photographic manual handling card.
You will also be provided with all course materials, including a Manual Handling Guide, and self assessment materials.
This Manual Handling course includes assessment, where participants will be required to successfully demonstrate Workplace Health and Safety knowledge and practical skills.
Am I eligible?
You must be at least 15 years old
Have basic English and Maths skills (to be able to identify and interpret workplace signs and apply yourself to the course material).
* CSQ funding contribution of $100 for TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods. Eligibility criteria applies.

What to bring:
Appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Safety shoes or boots
workwear (hi-vis if you have it)
safety hardhat (optional)
a broad brimmed sun hat and water bottle is recommended
100 Points of Identification must be presented before you begin training. 100 Points of Identification requirements
To discuss your Manual Handling training needs or to book
call 1300 661 400.