Funding subsidy amounts
The following funding subsidy amounts will be applied to the regular course cost, so you only pay the gap fee when you pay for your course.
TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11m or more)
CSQ subsidy of $528
TLID0020 - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
CSQ subsidy of $100
MSMWHS217 - Gas test atmospheres
CSQ subsidy of $202
RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined spaces
CSQ subsidy of $300
RIIWHS204E - Work safely at heights
CSQ subsidy of $225
RIIHAN301E - Operate elevating work platform
CSQ subsidy of $266
RIIHAN308F - Load and unload plant
CSQ subsidy of $266
RIIHAN309F - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations
CSQ subsidy of $540
CPCCLSF2001 - Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level
CSQ subsidy of $928